Some parts really reminded me of the flash game "Give Up , Robot" by AdultSwim. I really like the sound, nice track.
Some parts really reminded me of the flash game "Give Up , Robot" by AdultSwim. I really like the sound, nice track.
I never knew the name of this song until now XD
Good job on the remix :P
Maybe occasionaly widen up the bassline to add some more variety into the mix. Nice song though :)
Trodde inte jag skulle lyssna på hela grejen. Ganska intressant
Vad roligt att höra, stort tack för lyssningen 😊
Inspired by Techno Disco? Pretty nice track either way. Only critique from me is that the main melody sounds dry and maybe too bright, but the rest is very nice, especially that hands-up bassline :P
I like the first half.
I think a bassline could add a lot to this
I enjoyed this so much I couldn't help but write something here. The sound design and mixing really stands out. This is pure ear candy.
thank you!
The distortion made me laugh XD
i wish i could go back in time and ask 14 year old me how i got my track that loud. i was ahead of my time clearly LOL
This is rather good for a first time. Knowing some music theory pays off :P
Thanks! And the fact that I can still hear that something is off here and there, despite being overall quite happy for the attempt, feels nice. Maybe I'll analyse it further and try to figure out how to improve certain parts.
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